Our Moon thrives on collaboration. This is especially true in our relationships with corporates where we can work to each other’s mutual benefit.

“By the end of my internship, I had managed to create meaningful relationships and also learned numerous interdisciplinary skills from running a CRM to analyzing financial statements. I certainly experienced challenges while on the job but I am glad that I was surrounded by teammates who were always available to help. My eight-week learning experience is certainly one that has helped me grow professionally.”

Thando, former student

We can help you:

  • We have students studying in universities around the world who could intern or work for you, helping you meet your diversity and inclusion needs
  • We can offer your staff the chance to visit our site in Zambia and work with our students for a multi-cultural exchange
  • We can provide staff volunteering opportunities including mentorship of our students
  • We can facilitate fundraising events
  • We help you provide direct value in your CSR – small charities like ours punch well above our weight in terms of impact
  • We give current employees chance to work together on non-work projects and make a difference in society
  • We could be your charity of the year
  • You can get to know our students on a personal level.

In return, you can:

  • Help us develop a more sustainable model of fundraising through a longer term relationship
  • Provide much needed work experience for our students
  • Provide us with a supply of volunteers and fundraisers

If you are interested in working with us, please contact Helen on


We value relationships with schools. Our students have very similar aspirations to yours – to go to a good university. They are really inspiring young people who have never had the luxury of taking their education for granted. We believe young people in schools can offer a very special friendship to our students and our students will give them a glimpse of their lives.

We can help you:

  • We can offer your students the chance to visit our site in Zambia and work with our students for a multi-cultural exchange
  • We can provide staff volunteering opportunities including mentorship of our students
  • We can facilitate fundraising events
  • We help you provide direct value in your CSR – small charities like ours punch well above our weight in terms of impact
  • We give current employees chance to work together on non-work projects and make a difference in society
  • We could be your charity of the year
  • You can get to know our students on a personal level.

In return, you can:

  • Help us develop a more sustainable model of fundraising through a longer term relationship
  • Provide buddies for our students
  • Provide us with a supply of volunteers and fundraisers

If you are interested in working with us, please contact Helen on

“I have enjoyed volunteering with Our Moon. Unlike other charities I had worked for, I have really appreciated being able to spend time with the students both online and here in the UK when I learnt about their stories, passions and ambitions. Our Moon transforms the lives of these students and supports and advises them way beyond completion of the residential programme”.

Alice Radley, former volunteer